Friday 5 March 2010

I have to warn you...

...this won't be the most linear of blogs.

My mum has finally persuaded me to set up a blog and I'm quite glad I have.
This will be a place for just about everything and anything- craft, fashion. inspiration, ideas and moaning. But hopefully not too much of the moaning.
Some things on my mind today:

The body
(by the way- I may take and post some odd pictures. Do not be alarmed that my mouth looks like that of a horse.)

I'm going to be one of the few lucky people to have the experience of the endoscopy pill- a pill that travels down your body taking pictures and beaming them back to the doctors.

I like to think of it as some crazy sci-fi experiment that I have to submit to in order to save man kind.

Church 'families'
In the church the community is sometimes referred to as the church family which I think fits the bill perfectly. Growing up in a church is like having a massive extended family and when you're in trouble or need support it's like you can choose from hundreds of brothers and sisters to confide in.

Since getting ill it's really stood out to me how amazing the church community is. Don't get me wrong- friends who don't go to church have been just as amazing, supportive and faithful, but it's only in the church that you get people praying for you and asking after you who you didn't even know existed! Such is the networking of churches that I have people all over the country praying for me. Those I know well and those I've never met, all talking to the same God.

A friend from school once said to me that although they didn't believe in anything to do with Christianity they really envied that I had such a big and friendly community. It got me thinking that outside of religion you really don't get so many people gathering together, willing to do so much for people they hardly know. Such is society nowadays that we are encouraged not to talk to strangers, most people will move seats or try desperately to ignore you on the bus if you strike up conversation, and groups of more than 3 people on the street are seen as being anti-social. These may be slightly stereotypical views, but it still remains that the love and sacrifice you find in a church family is unlike anything else you get today, and I am extremely thankful to be a part of it.

I think that's probably it for today but I'll try and update regularly and at least keep things vaguely interesting.


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